EAF-Nansen Programme
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01 December 2023
1 December 2023, Dakar, Senegal – The EAF-Nansen Programme met with government representatives in Senegal, to take stock of the work that has been done...
03 November 2023
3 November 2023, Rome, Italy – Jellyfish have existed for more than 500 million years and are among the oldest living animals on the planet. Found in all marine ecosystems, even inhabiting the dark depths of the ocean, they often occur in high densities along tropical coastlines. While there are more than 300...
02 November 2023
2 November 2023, Maputo, Mozambique – Marking over five years of fruitful collaboration, the EAF-Nansen Programme invited partners and stakeholders to Maputo, Mozambique for a Scientific Mini-Symposium followed by the final Programme Forum of its present phase. For four days, the participants shared experiences and explored...
22 September 2023
14-22 September 2023, Dakar, Senegal – 30 fisheries experts from 10 countries across Africa have received training on the ecosystem approach to fisheries management (EAF), preparing them to lead courses on the EAF using tools such as the EAF implementation monitoring tool (EAF-IMT) produced by the EAF-Nansen Programme. Over the...
15 August 2023
August 2023 – Scientists aboard the research vessel (R/V) Dr. Fridtjof Nansen observed unusually large numbers of whales in the waters off Mozambique, only a few hours after leaving the port of Maputo to study deep-sea species and habitats in the area. In total, dozens of...
10 August 2023
10-11 August 2023, Morogoro, Tanzania – In collaboration with the EAF-Nansen Programme, the Development Law Service at FAO held a workshop with national stakeholders to launch the process of review of the Tanzania Fisheries Policy and Fisheries Act of Mainland Tanzania. Read more...