FAO-EU FLEGT Programme


Nouveau documentaire produit par la Fondation AVSI avec le soutien du Programme FAO-UE FLEGT

25 August 2021
Avec interventions de nombreux acteurs locaux et internationaux, le documentaire approche le thème du processus APV FLEGT en Côte d’Ivoire, ses défis et opportunités Basé sur le projet “Appui à la structuration et à l’amélioration de la participation des acteurs du [...]

Historia de Éxito: Colombia

24 August 2021
La capacitación de MiPYMES como estrategia para el crecimiento del mercado nacional de madera legal Datos clave Las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas (MiPYMES) son esenciales para el mercado de madera nacional colombiano, pero enfrentan dificultades para cumplir con los requisitos de [...]

CATIE course on forest management: 33rd edition will count on the technical contribution of FAO-EU FLEGT Programme officers

06 August 2021
This week marked the start of the 33rd edition of the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center’s (Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, CATIE) international course on forest management, entitled “Diversified Forest Management: Governance and Legality in the [...]

Legality in the forest sector: New insights into obstacles and incentives for MSME formalisation

02 August 2021
Worldwide, at least 41 million people work in the informal forest sector – more than three times the 12.5 million employed in formal forest sector-related businesses. In the informal forest sector, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are often characterised as [...]

South-South exchange between Ghana and Uganda seeks to promote timber traceability

26 July 2021
26-30 July 2021: Accra, Ghana A delegation of representatives from Uganda has arrived in Accra, Ghana, for a five-day exchange visit to inform Uganda's development of a timber traceability system. The delegation, composed of representatives from Uganda forestry authorities and line [...]

MSMEs important partner to improve forest governance and reducing deforestation and forest degradation

22 July 2021
Micro, small and medium-sized timber producers and processors play a critical role in meeting the growing demand for forest products worldwide, as well as making vital contributions to livelihoods and national economies. It is estimated that micro, small and medium [...]

Promoting legal timber trade and sustainable forest governance in Guatemala

02 July 2021
The forests of Guatemala’s northern department of Petén are renowned for their high biodiversity value and resources. A large share of the country’s timber harvesting takes place there. Despite this, the legal timber market has often struggled against the demand [...]

Locally developed Due Diligence System launched in Viet Nam

02 July 2021
The ability to effectively assess the legality of timber is critical to ensuring that only legal or low risk timber enters responsible supply chains or markets. In line with commitments made under the Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA) between Viet Nam [...]

Honduras ratifies the Voluntary Partnership Agreement with the European Union

29 June 2021
Tegucigalpa, 29 June 2021 The National Congress of Honduras ratified a Voluntary Partnership Agreement with the European Union for forest law enforcement, governance and trade of timber products Honduras is the first Latin American country to sign a Voluntary Partnership [...]

Made in Cameroon: une vitrine pour la valorisation des petites et moyennes entreprises de transformation du bois d’origine légale

29 June 2021
L’Association « Artisan au Féminin » et la FECAPROBOIS présentent la quatrième édition du Salon du Mobilier « Made in Cameroon » pour exposer et promouvoir les réalisations des entreprises camerounaises de la transformation de bois d’origine légale et mettre en avant l’engagement [...]