Food security and complex emergencies

©FAO/Sean Gallagher

The Food Security and Complex Emergencies information portal was a comprehensive online database that focused on various aspects of emergencies as they relate to food security. The project is now closed.

Much of our work in this area is carried out at country level. With a focus on preventing or mitigating crisis, bridging the gap between short and long term responses to crises, and strengthening the resilience of households, livelihoods, communities and countries to shock and stress.

We analyse the economic, political and social causes of food insecurity; assess the food security impact of crisis and crisis response, elaborate criteria and information needs to better characterise and understand crises, and give guidance to context-specific programmes and policy responses.


Workshop Report - Food Security in Complex Emergencies: building policy frameworks to address longer-term programming challenges

Complex emergencies, food security and the quest for appropriate institutional responses: The centrality of an analytic capacity - Martin Doornbos

Food security and linking relief, rehabilitation and development in the European Commission - European Commission

Working with complexity and turbulence - and becoming friends with it - François Grünewald

Food aid and livelihoods: Challenges and opportunities in complex emergencies - Valerie Guarnieri

Matching food security analysis to context: The experience of the Somalia Food Security Assessment Unit - Günter Hemrich

The ICRC in Somalia: A diversified approach for a complex emergency - ICRC
 Case Study of Sanaag Region, Somalia
- Fatima Jibrell

Embedding vulnerability in livelihoods models: A work in progress - Sue Lautze and Angela Raven-Roberts

HIV/AIDS and food crises in Southern Africa: An agenda for action research and for learning how to respond - Michael Loevinsohn and Stuart Gillespie

From relief to food security? The challenges of programming for agricultural rehabilitation - Kate Longley, Ian Christopolos and Tom Slaymaker

The changing face of food security in Somalia - Nisar Majid

The Coping Strategies Index: A tool for rapidly measuring food security and the impact of food aid programs in emergencies - Dan Maxwell

Harnessing the potential of aid to protect livelihoods and promote peace: The experience of the Nuba Mountains Programme Advancing Conflict Transformation (NMPACT) - Sara Pantuliano

Food Security and Complex Emergencies: The challenge for FAO - Prabhu Pingali (FAO ESA)

Emergency in Ituri, DRC: Political complexity, land and other challenges in restoring food security - Johan Pottier

Food security and nutrition information systems in crisis-prone countries - Noreen Prendiville

Policy options for socioeconomic vulnerability analysis: Conflict analysis and long-term development programmes and strategies - Umberto Triulzi, Massimo Tommasoli and Pierluigi Montalbano

HIV/AIDS and Food Security: A long-term emergency - Marcela Villarreal

Food security as a policy goal in the complex emergencies context and links between information, analysis and programming - Sam Zziwa



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