The Forest and Landscape Restoration Mechanism

FLR Mechanism Advisory Group meeting, July 2017

Year published: 13/10/2017

The Thirds Annual Meeting of the FLR Mechanism Advisory Group met on 12 July 2017. During this meeting, Advisory Group members reviewed FAO’s work in FLR over the past year and provided guidance for future directions, including continuing to explore issues such as restoration for agricultural productivity improvements, cultural benefits, biodiversity conservation and gender inclusiveness.

Enhanced cooperation was emphasized among partners and projects, both for resource mobilization and implementation of activities, especially in synergy with the Forest Ecosystem Restoration Initiative (FERI) of the Convention for Biological Diversity (CBD) and the International Model Forest Network (IMFN). Joint implementation efforts were also discussed with a focus on  the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM), development of the collaborative roadmap for FLR monitoring, the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) in connection with the new FLR Communities of Practice that are being established, The Restoration Initiative (TRI) GEF thematic programme and a possible new IKI (International Climate Initiative) 2017 consortium to support FLR in Africa.

Participants highlighted the need to align restoration monitoring with: REDD+ national strategies, Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) targets under the United Nations Convention to Combat Against Desertification (UNCCD), CBD Aichi targets, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) – as well as other national targets. 

Opportunities to connect the restoration work of the FLRM with new approaches and data sources were highlighted, including with: social landscapes and information flows, cost-benefit analysis of restoration, information on cost-effectiveness of Assisted National Regeneration (ANR) options. The Advisory Group endorsed continued work on FLR finance – e.g. national forest funds, crowdfunding and organization of marketplaces – as an important area of innovation which the FLRM should continue to explore.

Participants recognized the key role of the FLRM to facilitate multi-sectoral dialogue at country and regional levels and to influence policy processes.