2015 USA Dietary Guidelines moves toward seafood consumption

The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) recently released a scientific report to the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture providing recommendations for the 2015 edition of the US Dietary Guidelines based on their review of current literature and evidences.

The report addresses to the role of seafood consumption into the dietary patterns as an important source of key macro- and micronutrients and to the relation between dietary patterns and sustainability: "The identification of dietary patterns that are sustainable is a first step toward driving consumer behavior change and demand and supply-chain changes. […] This approach is particularly well suited for assessing overall environmental impacts of food consumption."

The Committee approaches also the contaminants controversy, endorsing the Report of the FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on the Risks and Benefits of Fish Consumption and stating that "Regarding contaminants, for the majority of wild caught and farmed species, neither the risks of mercury nor organic pollutants outweigh the health benefits of seafood consumption".

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