Increasing the use of the VGGT among Civil Society and Grassroots Organizations

The Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) set out internationally-accepted principles and standards for responsible practices, providing a framework for developing policies and programmes for improving food security.

Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) are key partners in ensuring tenure security at country level, and their full engagement in national processes on tenure-related issues and multi-stakeholder platforms is essential. This project provided CSOs with tailored learning tools to carry out necessary training for members and other CSOs in order to meaningfully participate in these processes. Working in 21 countries through partnerships with national CSOs, using the specifically designed capacity development manual for CSOs, Putting the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure into Practice: A Learning Guide for Civil Society Organizations, CSOs have increased their understanding of the VGGT and their use in national policy processes.

Recognizing the key role of CSOs in ensuring responsible governance of tenure in their national contexts, this project has worked in 21 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America through partnerships with national CSOs to undertake capacity development workshops to:

  • Enhance CSOs’ knowledge and understanding of the VGGT
  • Increase network and advocacy skills to defend rights and strengthen partnerships for wider VGGT application
  • Build capacities for effective participation in policy processes related to tenure reform and national multi-stakeholder platforms

The project produced the capacity development manual, Putting the Voluntary Guidelines on Tenure into Practice: A Learning Guide for Civil Society Organizations, co-developed by FAO and FIAN International.  By working with national CSOs, the Learning Guide was adapted to the specific needs and context of each country. The project was possible thanks to the support of the FAO Multipartner Programme Support Mechanism.

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What the project does

This project identified specific opportunities for potential or ongoing processes of tenure reform, and/or specific CSO networks or multi-stakeholder processes where FAO input would be most effective. Through partnership with local CSOs, the Learning Guide was adapted to meet the specific capacity development needs of each country.

The project was implemented in 21 countries since 2014:


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