KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Caisses de résilience

Consolidating community resilience by strengthening households’ social, productive and financial capacities through an integrated approach

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has been promoting the ‘Caisses de résilience’ approach, a resilience-building initiative implemented in Uganda since 2008 through the Agro-pastoral Field School methodology. 'Caisses de résilience’ (CdR) is an integrated community-centered approach, linking social, technical and financial dimensions in a mutually reinforcing way. The combination of the three dimensions has shown to have a multiplier effect in the livelihoods of men and women farmers and pastoralists through the accumulation and diversification of income as well as household and community assets, two key sources for increasing livelihood resilience. As such, communities, and vulnerable women in particular, are in a better position to prevent and/or recover from shocks caused by natural or man-made disasters.

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