KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Beekeeping to buffer against economic shocks caused by natural hazards in Somaliland

Generating income for men and women to strengthen the resilience of livelihoods

Somaliland has the world’s fourth-lowest gross domestic product per capita, according to the World Bank, and the population is at risk of different types of climate-related shocks such as droughts and dry spells, with detrimental effects on crops and livestock. In this backdrop, bees can resist a dry season with very little water, foraging in the numerous wild tree species even when it has not rained.

In order to improve and increase their honey production, the Reddin Beekeeping Group at Beer village, in the Burao District of Somaliland, received support by FAO through the Sustainable Employment and Economic Development Programme (SEED). SEED is funded by the Department for International Development of the United Kingdom (DFID).

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