KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Dimitra Clubs in Action

Dimitra Newsletter: Gender, Rural Women and Development n°30

This special issue of gender newsletter presents a complete overview of the results achieved through the Dimitra clubs in local communities. 

A Dimitra Club is a group of men, women, or both, who have decided to join together on a voluntary basis to pursue a common goal: find solutions to their common problems in the community and solve them using local resources. One of the first activities for any club is to draw up a list of problems to be addressed. Since the majority of Africa’s rural population depends on agriculture for livelihoods, this theme always features high on the list of priorities. Other issues also figure prominently: nutrition, climate change, women’s status, solidarity, and matters related to everyday life: health, education, infrastructure, peace.

A Dimitra Club is therefore an informal space for discussion and action, which enables communities to influence their environment, through communication, inclusive participation and community mobilization.

Thanks to local radio stations, the impact of these clubs multiplies: they can learn from each others and share their experiences and achievements to the benefit of the whole community. 

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