KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

  Partage de leçons de la pandémie de COVID-19. Quelles perspectives? Rejoignez-nous le 23 Juin pour découvrir et partager les expériences d'utilisation d'outils de formation à distance pour soutenir les CEP pendant le COVID-19 et au-delà. L'événement comprendra des présentations d'expériences sur le terrain et une table ronde, ainsi [...]
  7th Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 2022 (GPDRR22)   The seventh session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GP2022) will take place as an in-person event from 23 to 28 May in Bali, Indonesia. Online engagement will also be [...]
  A Multi-stakeholder forum recognized by the UN General Assembly The UN General Assembly recognizes the Global Platform as the global multi-stakeholder forum to review progress on the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. At the Platform, governments, the [...]
Overcoming COVID-19 restrictions through adaptive measures that facilitate access to agricultural and nutrition knowledge
Somalia has experienced years of conflict and fragility resulting in chronic poverty and vulnerability, displacement, poor economic capacity and food and nutrition insecurity. In 2020, up to 1.3 million people across Somalia were expected to face food consumption gaps or [...]
  At the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the Food and Nutrition Division, has joined forces with KORE from the Office of Emergencies and Resilience, to document and share knowledge on country experiences in nutrition and resilience.  Food and Nutrition education [...]