Highlights archive

MAFAP delivers results of study on 16 high-potential commodities to Burkina Faso exports agency
The programme was tasked with helping Burkina Faso to diversity and prioritize its agricultural commodities for new agrifood policy framework
MAFAP starts a new 5-year phase of agrifood policy monitoring and reform prioritisation in Burkina Faso
Launch event in Ouagadougou gathered over 40 people from various ministries and government agencies on 9 June followed by two days of training on public expenditure and price incentives analysis, two pillars of MAFAP’s policy support.
UN News chats to team behind MAFAP Burkina Faso agriculture investment report
The UN's French language radio and online news service - ONU Info - interviews economists from MAFAP and the Burkina Faso Ministry of Agriculture about investment options for the sector to boost food security and agricultural transformation.
MAFAP study on agriculture investment in Burkina Faso featured on BBC Focus on Africa
The BBC's World Service interviewed MAFAP Manager Christian Derlagen on spending and investment priorities for agriculture in Burkina Faso. How much does the West African country spend on agriculture and what difference would greater investment more bring to the sector and society?
Burkina Faso: validation des recommandations SAPAA sur les options de politique pour réduire le prix des engrais chimiques
Le 7 juin 2018, le SAPAA et le Ministère de l’agriculture et des aménagements hydrauliques ont organisé l’atelier de validation des recommandations de l’étude SAPAA intitulée « Quelles actions politiques pour renforcer l’accès des producteurs agricoles à des engrais chimiques à prix réduits au Burkina Faso ? ».
Burkina Faso: Validation of MAFAP’s policy options to reduce the price of chemical fertilizers
On June 7, 2018, MAFAP and the Ministry of agriculture and water facilities organized the validation workshop of the MAFAP study entitled "What policy actions to facilitate agricultural producers' access to chemical fertilizers at reduced prices in Burkina Faso? ".
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