
Year: 2020
This briefing note provides practical information on the planning and implementation of ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) approaches in the agriculture sectors as part of national adaptation planning processes. It presents entry points for mainstreaming EbA throughout...
Year: 2020
This Toolkit aims to help countries in selecting and analyzing value chains for opportunities to improve climate change resilience and reduce gender inequalities. Key strengths of the value chain approach include assisting in adaptation...
Year: 2020
This case study is part of a series that describes the steps taken to formulate and implement National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), with an emphasis on adaptation in agriculture (including forestry, livestock and fisheries). The series...
Year: 2020
The aim of this study was to generate empirical evidence about adaptation options in agriculture and to inform adaptation policy dialogues in Zambia. The findings can inform policy makers and development practitioners working to promote...
Year: 2020
The study was carried out under the Integrating Agricultural Sectors into National Adaptation Plans programme, with the aim of capacity building, generating evidence-based results for selecting adaptation options, and informing adaptation policy dialogues on adaptation...