Integrating the Right to Adequate Food and good governance in national policies, legislation and institutions
©FAO/Rhodri Jones

Bolivia Country Component

In Bolivia the project has been supporting the above processes mainly by strengthening the capacity of the National Council for Food and Nutrition (Consejo Nacional de Alimentacíon y Nutrición - CONAN) and its sub national councils (the Departmental Council for Food and Nutrition (Consejo Departamental de Alimentación y Nutrición – CODAN) and the Municipal Council for Food and Nutrition (Consejo Municipal de Alimentacíon y Nutrición – COMAN) to incorporate right to food in programming and by increasing partnerships with key national stakeholders in view of sensitizing them on the relevance of the right to food in their work. Particularly, the support of the project to the CT-CONAN’s effort, made an impact on the advances in the formulation of the National Food and Nutrition policy within the framework of the Law No. 144. A draft proposal of the policy was presented and approved by Parliament and includes the right to food as one of its six major strategy areas.

In 2009, Bolivia has taken a major step towards the realization of the right to food by including the latter in its Constitution. At national level, CONAN has been key to the inclusion of the right to food into the Multisectoral program Zero Malnutrition and in many other programmes and projects. In addition, the present political conjunction favours the strengthening of the right to food in the country on several fronts including awareness building, work with parliamentarians, strengthening institutions and decentralization. FAO has supported the decentralization and institutional building process of CONAN by promoting the incorporation of the right to food into sub national and municipality development plans. Additionally, in the past Norway and FMPP supported the integration of the right to food into national food security policies and plans.


31.08.2015 – The new Law on School Feeding of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, adopted in December 2014, aims to ensure the human right to adequate food, to strengthen the development of local production and increase school attendance rates. The Law n. 622 represents a step forward in the development of food sovereignty and the Living Well (Vivir Bien).

23.02.2015 – As part of its strategy to achieve food sovereignty, the government of Bolivia approves a new law to regulate complimentary school meals and to foster a social economy by means of produces purchased from local producers. Law No 622 on School Feeding in the Framework of Food Sovereignty and Plural Economy, approved by the Plurinational Legislative Assembly, aims to contribute to educational performance and promote the permanence of students in the educational entities of the Plurinational Education System, through a safe, opportune and culturally appropriated diet.

04.03.2014 – A very interesting interview to the Bolivian Senator Martha Poma was realized by the FAO Office in Bolivia on 14 January 2014. In the interview, currently available on the Parliamentary Front Against Hunger website, Senator Poma talks about the importance and relevance for the realization of the right to food of the Forum of the Parliamentary Front Against Hunger in Latin America and the Caribbean. She also highlights the growing participation and dialogue in the region on legislative processes linked to the right to food and new goals and challenges ahead for its implementation.