Indigenous Peoples


A series of documents relevant to Indigenous Peoples are shown below. These include the FAO Policy on Indigenous Peoples together with a series of Voluntary Guidelines and Principles approved by FAO Member Nations which apply to Indigenous Peoples.

Using the search box located at the right side of the page, there can be found a series of useful documents with information on collaboration between FAO and Indigenous Peoples. The list includes publications, papers and reports that can assist in identifying and engaging with Indigenous Peoples, facilitate multi-stakeholder dialogues and strengthen cooperation.

Inició programa de desarrollo humano en el Alto Wangky tras solicitud de las autoridades indígenas y Gobierno de Nicaragua, para mejorar el nivel vida de las familias al erradicar el hambre y la pobreza en las comunidades Comunidades indígenas Miskitas,...

This study was commissioned by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) and SIFAR (Support Unit for International Fisheries and Aquatic Research) on the recommendation of the Advisory Committee on Fisheries Research (ACFR). It is concerned with research...

This review, for the first time to date, analyses the potential of labelling and certification schemes for Indigenous Peoples to market their food products. Specifically, it looks at those schemes that are designed by, with and for Indigenous Peoples, and...

A menudo el trabajo que realizan las mujeres en su hogar no es valorado y se confunde con el realizado en la explotación agrícola. De esta manera, se subestima el aporte que hacen en la agricultura y para la seguridad...

This PFS training Manual is designed for use by Master Trainers (MTs) during the training of facilitators course. Each lesson/topic is complete in itself detailing the preparations to be made, the materials to be kept handy, the core message to...