

一系列的土著人民有关的文件如下所示. 这些包括粮农组织关于土著和部落民族政策和一系列自愿准则和原则适用于土著人民的粮农组织成员国批准。

使用位于右侧页面的搜索框中,可以找到一系列的有益的文件,提供关于粮农组织与土著人民之间的合作。该列表包含出版物、 文件和报告,可以协助查明和同土著人民交往,促进多方利益有关者对话和加强合作。

Achieving food security for all is at the heart of the mandate of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The key role of agricultural biodiversity in meeting this objective was once more emphasized by the Secretary-General of...

This working paper summarises the types of forest dependant people and their various relationships with the forest. Trends in collaborative forest management and policy are discussed along with allied themes of poverty alleviation and tenure

The Principles represent the first global consensus on defining how investment in agriculture and food systems can benefit those who need it most. Now the Principles need to be translated into actions. So what’s next? What do the Principles mean for...

This publication presents the proceedings of a two-day symposium convened in Khon Khan, Thailand from 31 May to 1 June 2014 on the promotion of underutilized indigenous food resources for food security and nutrition in Asia and the Pacific. Indigenous...

A pesar de la todavía heterogénea situación que muestran las estadísticas oficiales en la materia, se estima que la población indígena de América Latina alcanza alrededor de 44 millones de personas, pertenecientes a más de 800 pueblos. Esto representa aproximadamente...