Peuples Autochtones

The Guna are an autonomous indigenous people who live in the region of Guna Yala, an archipelago of 365 islands in the northeast of Panama. FAO is providing Guna communities with technical assistance to increase crop yields, better market their products and improve their nutrition. United Nations Radio travelled to these islands to see the impact of the project
In an effort to making a difference in the livelihood of people living in remote areas of the Chittagong Hill Tracts, the ECHO funded FAO project undertook actions aiming at supporting critically food insecure rural men and women. This documentary shows the diversifying lifestyle of the beneficiaries with the provision of inputs and trainings as a direct positive impact of the project. By learning better techniques of poultry rearing and fruits and vegetable production, the project beneficiaries are now able to pave a better future for their next generation.
Speaking at an event on the sidelines of the 23rd session of the Committee on Forestry, Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, said that very few countries have so far made a clear commitment to a requirement in the Paris Climate Change Agreement that countries undertaking climate change activities should ensure the rights of indigenous peoples. She also highlighted the large number of violent deaths of people protecting their forests and rights to land in 2015 - the deadliest year for environmental defenders on record.
Climate is changing, food and agriculture must too.
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