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There are three UN bodies which specifically focus on indigenous peoples: The UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) The Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) The Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples The Human Rights Council requests the Permanent Forum, the Expert Mechanism and the Special Rapporteur to carry out their tasks in a coordinated manner. Find out more in our FAQs section.
Although they represent less than 5% of the world's population, near 15% of indigenous peoples live under the poverty line. As stressed by José Graziano da Silva: "Hunger will not be overcome without the guarantee of food security for indigenous and tribal peoples. FAO Policy of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples was formulated to ensure that the Organization devotes efforts to respect, include and promote in its work indigenous peoples' important issues.
During two years, eight communities from the indigenous regions of Guna Yala and Ngäbe Buglé participated in a pilot project that tested successfully an innovative methodology to improve food security and nutrition. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) through the execution of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MIDA) and in consultation with the General Congresses of the regions Guna Yala and Ngäbe Buglé, initiated in 2013 a project to test an methodological approach that articulates in an agreed and integral manner the technological supplies for indigenous populations."
In this video, representatives of the National Environmental Authority of Panama (ANAM), the National Coordination of Indigenous Peoples of Panama and the UN-REDD Programme explain the value of the national forest inventory and progress made on this initiative.
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