FAO in Indonesia

Pilot joint ‘SET-EMT’ missions to refine current surveillance, epidemiology systems in Indonesia

DGLAHS MoA presentation on SET-EMT map out epidemiological and surveillance capacities in Indonesia

Indonesia is one of 17 megadiverse countries in the world. Harboring the majority of Earth’s species including great number of endemic species, the archipelago is also a hotspot for zoonotic and emerging infectious diseases (EIDs). Undiagnosed diseases can cost morbidity, mortality, and productivity losses in public and animal sectors.

Scientists estimate that more than 6 out of every 10 known infectious diseases in people are transmitted from animal (zoonosis), and 3 out of every 4 EIDs are zoonoses. The prevention and control of zoonoses and EIDs rely on the early detection of the causal agent of the disease. Targeted surveillance of high-risk environments and animals at high risk of contracting zoonoses and EIDs, including livestock, farmed wildlife, and migratory birds, is one of the pillars in achieving rapid detection of the diseases.

Countries rely on good surveillance system to generate data that help health officials understand existing and emerging infectious and non-infectious diseases and to be able to form best prevention and intervention policies. Food and Agriculture Organization, in response to the request of member countries, developed Surveillance Evaluation Tool (SET) with the basis of France-based agency ANSES’ OASIS toolkit to asses a country’s epidemiological and surveillance systems for animal diseases and food safety. With the support of United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through Emerging Pandemic Threats Phase 2 (EPT-2) project, Indonesia is the first Asian countries to utilize this tool. By a special request from the Government of Indonesia, the surveillance mission was jointly held with Epidemiology Mapping Tool (EMT) assessment.

An in-depth assessment was conducted in several provinces in Indonesia with focused on seven areas consisted of institutional, laboratory, surveillance activities, epidemiology workforce, data management, communications, and evaluation. A total of 237 representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture’s Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health Services (DGLAHS), Ministry of Health, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and other stakeholders were interviewed.

The results show strengths and gaps in the seven areas. Several stakeholders directly recognized these strengths and expressed the need to continue building on the achievements for a longer-lasting impact. These findings have helped Indonesia and development partners coordinate efforts to improve surveillance systems and capacity building activities.

A progressive framework was developed which divided by three terms (short, mid, and long-term). Currently, the Government of Indonesia has adopted the short-term as main program in the National Action Plan on zoonosis or Ministry of Agriculture in its 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN). The other terms will be adopted by Indonesia in collaboration with FAO, USAID, Australia Indonesia Health Security Partnership (AIHSP), and more.


SET Report for Indonesia can be read here: http://www.fao.org/3/cb2576en/cb2576en.pdf