International Network of Food Data Systems (INFOODS)

Food composition tables for Taiwan

  • Nutritional Analysis of Main Fruits in Taiwan Area. CC Chou, KG Wei, SH Chen, YL Sheu. FIRDI, ISSN 0253-9039. 19 pp.* (Chinese with English summary)
  • Nutrient Content of Major Fishes in Taiwan/Nutrient Composition of Common Seafoods in Taiwan. B Sun Pan, W-C Tang, C-T Lee, T-C Chang, M-R Tsai, W-C Wang, S-C Yen. 33 pp.* (Chinese with English abstract)
  • Investigation of Nutritive Value of Rice in Taiwan Area. - CC Chou, CH Pong, LC Chang, KG w\Wei, YL Sheu, TD Chien, YF Tsai, WD Ding, DC Hwang. FIRDI, ISSN 0253-9039. 25 pp.* (Chinese with English summary)
  • Investigation of Nutrient Content of Vegetables in Taiwan Area. - 18 pp.* (Chinese with English abstract)
  • Investigation of Nutrient Content of Pork in Taiwan Area. - 19 pp.* (Chinese with English)
  • Investigation of Nutrient Content of Chicken in Taiwan Area. - 20 pp.* (Chinese with English summary)
  • Table of Taiwan Food Composition - Food Industry Research and Development Institute, Hsinchu - Revised 1974 (language unknown)
  • Table of Amino Acid Composition of Taiwan Foods - Food Industry Research and Development Institute, Hsinchu - Revised 1973 (language unknown)
  • Composition of Foods Used in Taiwan. TC Tung, PC Huang, HC Li, HL Chen - J Formosan Medical Association, Vol 60, No 11, pp 973-1005, Taipei - 1961* 32 pp (Chinese and English)

Last update: 20-10-2022 05:26