FAO in Iraq

Our office

As the lead agency in the food security and agriculture sectors, FAO has been supporting the development of income-generation activities for vulnerable people and the rehabilitation and maintenance of traditional irrigation schemes for resettled displaced households, among other activities.

FAO has been coordinating with the various related sister agencies as well as other Sector Working Groups to complement efforts for the maximum impact of interventions. For the purpose, FAO has developed and is currently implementing joint programmes with other UN agencies implemented in the various sectors. FAO partners include UN Agencies, INGOs and local NGOs support FAO in expanding its reach into governorates and districts where access is limited and variable.

Intervention areas: (i) support to the winter cereal crop production (wheat); (ii) backyard poultry production; (iii) vegetable production; (iv) micro-gardening; (v) support to small-scale livestock herders; (vi) co-coordination of the Food and Agriculture Sector.