Welcome to the David Lubin Memorial Library


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AGLINET is a voluntary network of agricultural libraries around the world with strong regional/country coverage and other comprehensive or very specialized subject resource collections.

If FAO staff need material not available in the David Lubin Memorial Library, AGLINET member libraries are consulted for assistance. AGLINET Centers provide partner libraries with access to the literature originating in the country or region or for a given specialization. This voluntary co-operative library network was founded in 1971 within the framework of the International Association of Agriculture Librarians and Documentalists (IAALD).

AGLINET libraries achieve a comprehensive resource coverage and mutual and rational use of library resources, not only for the benefit of members' own constituencies, but also in support of other libraries within their country/region.  

The structure, tasks, principles, procedures and changes in membership are guided by the AGLINET Statutes which were formulated and are periodically reviewed by members. Click here for:

This material may also be obtained from the David Lubin Memorial Library, which acts as the International Co-ordinating Centre.

Please address your queries to:

[email protected]

David Lubin Memorial Library
AGLINET International Co-ordinating Centre
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy
Tel.:  +39 06 570 54493

or to:

Fax:  +39 06 570 52002