Locust Watch
Locusts in Caucasus and Central Asia

N. 70 June 2020

Published: 14/07/2020

Favored by hot and dry weather, Moroccan Locust (DMA) hopper development accelerated in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Russian Federation and mating and egg-laying took place in the second half of the month. DMA mating and egg-laying gradually subsided by the end of June in most Central Asia (CA) countries. In some CA countries transboundary DMA swarm flights occurred, requiring repeated chemical treatments. In general, chemical campaign against DMA was over by the end of June. Hopper development of the Italian Locust (CIT) continued, including with band formation, in Azerbaijan and Georgia where treatments were carried out while it was accomplished followed by fledging and mating in the southern CA countries. Migratory Locust (LMI) hopper development in Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russian Federation and Uzbekistan was accelerated by hot weather. An area of over 900 000 ha was treated in May 2020; in total, about 1.5 million ha have been treated since the beginning of the campaign, which is close to 2019 level.