Locust Watch
Locusts in Caucasus and Central Asia

N. 71 July 2020

Published: 19/08/2020

Moroccan Locust (DMA) completed its natural cycle in all countries. Italian and Asian Migratory Locusts (CIT and LMI) were mating and egg-laying in most countries. Generally, the situation became calm. Control campaigns were winding down, except for Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation and Uzbekistan where treatments continued against CIT and LMI, as well as in Georgia and Kyrgyzstan where CIT infestations threatened crops and required protective insecticide treatments. An area of almost 300 000 ha was treated in July 2020. In total, about 1.8 million ha have been treated since the beginning of the campaign, which is close to 2019 level but slightly lower than the forecast for 2020. In most countries, COVID-19 pandemics created serious difficulties in implementing locust monitoring and control activities.