FAO in Mongolia


26 September 2022
The Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs, the Intellectual Property Office of Mongolia (IPOM), the European Union (EU), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) are co-organizing “Importance of Geographical Indications (GI)” conference on 26, 27 September 2022 in Ulaanbaatar. Geographical Indication (GI) is an intellectual property...
22 September 2022
The AMR Codex Texts (ACT) project “Implementation of Codex standards to support containment and reduction of foodborne antimicrobial resistance” was recently presented in two regional meetings of the Mongolian Veterinary Medical Association (MVMA) on August 2-3 and August 6-7, 2022.  These two conferences were organized by the MVMA branch councils of...
22 September 2022
The AMR Codex Texts (ACT) project “Implementation of Codex standards to support containment and reduction of foodborne antimicrobial resistance” was recently presented in two regional meetings of the Mongolian Veterinary Medical Association (MVMA) on August 2-3 and August 6-7, 2022.  These two conferences were organized by the MVMA branch councils of...
21 September 2022
In-house trainings on equipment calibration and evaluation of measurement uncertainty have been conducted for veterinary laboratories of Bayan-Ulgii, Zavkhan, Selenge and Umnugobi aimags. More than 50 participants have attended to the training from 24 veterinary laboratories including State Central Veterinary Laboratory, State Veterinary Laboratory for Drug Testing and Certification, aimags...
21 September 2022
Мал аж ахуйн эдийн засгийн эргэлтийг нэмэгдүүлэх төсөл (МААЭЗЭН) - өөс Мал эмнэлгийн лабораторийн хэмжих хэрэгслийн шалгалт тохируулга, хэмжлийн эргэлзээг үнэлэх ажлын байрны сургалтыг Баян-Өлгий, Завхан, Сэлэнгэ, Өмнөговь аймгийн мал эмнэлгийн лабораториудад зохион байгууллаа. Сургалтад мал эмнэлгийн “Улсын мал эмнэлэг, ариун цэврийн төв лаборатори”, “Мал эмнэлгийн эмийн сорилт баталгаажуулалтын улсын...