UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres calls on mountain countries to take bold action on climate change mitigation and adaption

Mountains and climate change

Human activities are profoundly affecting the world’s climate, and mountains are a sensitive indicator of that effect.
Because of their altitude, slope and orientation to the sun, mountain ecosystems are easily disrupted by variations in climate. Many scientists believe that the changes occurring in mountain ecosystems may provide an early glimpse of what could come to pass in lowland environments.

As the world heats up, mountain glaciers are melting at unprecedented rates, while rare plants and animals struggle to survive over ever diminishing areas, and mountain peoples, already among the world’s poorest citizens, face even greater hardships.

Changes in the volume of mountain glaciers and in their seasonal melting patterns have an impact on water resources in many parts of the world. Changes in water availability due to climate change are taking place at a time when pressure on water resources for irrigation and food production, industrialization and urbanization is increasing.

Understanding how climate change affects mountains is vital as governments and international organizations develop strategies to reverse current global warming trends, elaborating treaties such as the Kyoto Protocol and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.  In addition, local community empowerment can be an essential step towards building climate change resilience in mountains.

Workshop participants in Pakistan learn to measure mountain communities

Workshop participants in Pakistan learn to measure mountain communities' vulnerability


Climate-induced threats were identified as a main vulnerability factor for mountain communities in Pakistan during a workshop organized by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat (MPS) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), together with the University of Rome "La Sapienza", on 8–10 May 2024 in Islamabad.

The technical...

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IISD report on UNFCCC expert dialogue on mountains

IISD report on UNFCCC expert dialogue on mountains


As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has concluded, every increment of global warming matters. Climate change impacts will be vastly different at 2°C of warming compared to 1.5°C. This is especially true for mountain ecosystems.

On Wednesday, an expert dialogue focused on exactly this topic, discussing impacts, research gaps,...

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Global Land Outlook rangelands report

Global Land Outlook rangelands report


In anticipation of the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists (IYRP) in 2026, this report serves as a catalyst for global awareness and action. It analyses numerous case studies and good practices from around the world, drawing on the experience and lessons learned, and advocates for a new paradigm to...

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Land Degradation Neutrality Fund Impact Report 2022

Land Degradation Neutrality Fund Impact Report 2022


After four years of full operations and successful deployment, the Mirova team announced the closing of the 10th investment of the Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Fund in October 2022, a major milestone in the development of the sustainable land use strategy. The projects supported by the fund since 2018 have...

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Global action for sustainable rangelands and pastoralism to acheive Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN)

Global action for sustainable rangelands and pastoralism to acheive Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN)


Global action for sustainable rangelands and pastoralism to acheive Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN): A science-to-policy review, with recommendations for the UNCCD Conference of Parties is a working paper prepared by the IYRP LDN Working Group from 2022-2024. This reports covers the challenges and threats to rangelands and pastoralism along with...

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UNFCCC SBSTA 60 - Expert dialogue on mountains and climate change

UNFCCC SBSTA 60 - Expert dialogue on mountains and climate change


The first-ever global stocktake concluded at the 2023 UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) and included five mentions of mountains, including an official request for an expert dialogue on mountains and climate change at the 60th session of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice in June 2024.

The dialogue will take...

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