Mountain Research and Development issue online

Mountain Research and Development issue online


Articles in Mountain Research and Development (MRD) often relate to the climate change debate at the core of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) process currently gearing up for the 6th Assessment Report. Two papers in this open issue offer contrasting positions: one is critical and advocates a stronger...

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Keeping an Eye on SDG 15

Keeping an Eye on SDG 15


This publication presents the three forest-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicators for which the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is the custodian agency, including SDG indicator 15.4.2, the Mountain Green Cover Index. It contains 3-4 pages for each indicator, covering the following: a) context of goal...

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Mountains 2018 organizers call for input

Mountains 2018 organizers call for input


Mountains 2018 is the second in a series of international conferences that will bring together scholars, professionals, policy-makers and other stakeholders from the mountain world. The conference seeks to stimulate discussion and disseminate knowledge about mountains, based on lessons learned from scientific research and practical experiences related to the use...

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Mountains, one year after the Paris Agreement

Mountains, one year after the Paris Agreement

peak to peak

Issue 104 – Month 5 – Year 2017

The May issue of Peak to Peak reveals that 36 countries mentioned mountains in the first Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) they submitted after signing and ratifying the Paris Agreement. The newsletter continues with stories about the Third World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)...

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Crop diversity in the Pamir Highlands

Crop diversity in the Pamir Highlands


The Public Organization “Environmental Consultancy”, jointly with the Pamir Eco-Cultural Tourism Association, will conduct a course on biocultural diversity, focused on the centennial of geneticist Nikolay Ivanovich Vavilov’s expedition to the Pamir Highlands to explore the links between genetic diversity of crops and human cultures, on 2-10 August 2017 in...

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Mountains, one year after the Paris Agreement

Mountains, one year after the Paris Agreement


One year ago, on 22 April (Earth Day) 2016, 175 of the 197 Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) gathered at United Nations Headquarters in New York to sign the Paris Agreement, an international treaty to address climate change. As of today, one year after...

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