Local efforts for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and resilient forest livelihoods in the mountain watersheds of the Philippines

Local efforts for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and resilient forest livelihoods in the mountain watersheds of the Philippines


This policy brief explores the willingness of local authorities to strengthen adaptation and resilience to climate change while improving social well-being and economic development. It presents forest restoration and sustainable agricultural practices, institutionalized yet led by communities, as effective methods for reducing risks, improving the resilience of farmer communities and...

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Global leaders convene in Dushanbe to discuss why glaciers’ preservation matters

Global leaders convene in Dushanbe to discuss why glaciers’ preservation matters


Glaciers and their critical role to freshwater supply, agriculture, industry and energy were discussed during the high-level glaciers forum for the International Year of Glaciers' Preservation 2025.

The Government of Tajikistan in cooperation with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) hosted the International Glacier Forum on 10 June...

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Side event: Human mobility in the context of climate change in mountain areas – evidence, gaps and priorities

Side event: Human mobility in the context of climate change in mountain areas – evidence, gaps and priorities


The International Organization for Migration will be hosting a side event at the 3rd High-Level International Conference on International Decade for Action “Water for Sustainable Development”, 2018-2028 in Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan. The event will be a moderated discussion held in person on 11 June (time and location to be confirmed).

The event will...

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New hydroponic garden paves the way for experimentation on better resource management in soil-less agriculture

New hydroponic garden paves the way for experimentation on better resource management in soil-less agriculture


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and La Sapienza University of Rome have further consolidated their research collaboration in the field of sustainable agriculture with the inauguration of a hydroponic garden on the FAO terrace, the result of the study of new water-based growing techniques.

The innovative...

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IISD report on UNFCCC expert dialogue on mountains

IISD report on UNFCCC expert dialogue on mountains


As the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has concluded, every increment of global warming matters. Climate change impacts will be vastly different at 2°C of warming compared to 1.5°C. This is especially true for mountain ecosystems.

On Wednesday, an expert dialogue focused on exactly this topic, discussing impacts, research gaps,...

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Restoring mountain ecosystems - Challenges, case studies and recommendations for implementing the UN Decade Principles for Mountain Ecosystem Restoration

Restoring mountain ecosystems - Challenges, case studies and recommendations for implementing the UN Decade Principles for Mountain Ecosystem Restoration


Mountains are home to a variety of ecosystems that provide vital services directly to 1.1 billion people and billions of others living in connected lowland areas. Half of humanity depends on mountains for the provision of freshwater alone. Mountain ecosystems cool local temperatures, increase water retention, provide carbon storage, and...

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