Resilient Hindu Kush Himalaya: Developing Solutions towards a Sustainable Future for Asia

Resilient Hindu Kush Himalaya: Developing Solutions towards a Sustainable Future for Asia


The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), jointly with the Ministry of Population and Environment of Nepal and with support from the European Union, is hosting an international conference titled “Resilient Hindu Kush Himalaya: Developing Solutions towards a Sustainable Future for Asia” on 3-6 December in Kathmandu,...

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Forum “Origin, Diversity and Territories”

Forum “Origin, Diversity and Territories”


The Forum “Origin, Diversity and Territories” (ODT) is an international platform for the exchange of practices and knowledge on cultural and biological diversities, territories and products for which their quality is linked to their origin. The Forum brings together a global panel of actors (territory actors, academics, policy-makers, researchers, etc)...

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Mountains to be featured at UNFCCC COP 23

Mountains to be featured at UNFCCC COP 23

peak to peak

Issue 110 – Month 11 – Year 2017

The November issue of Peak to Peak announces the two side events organized within the framework of the Mountain Partnership that will take place during the 23rd session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 23) to the United Nations Framework...

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New programme and course on mountain EbA

New programme and course on mountain EbA


The Mountain Institute (TMI) launched its new Mountain Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) Programme, which seeks to increase the use of ecosystem-based approaches to help mountain communities adapt to climate change. The three-year programme will expand the use of nature-based solutions in key mountain areas of Nepal, Peru and Uganda...

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Plateau Perspectives documentary showing on TV

Plateau Perspectives documentary showing on TV


A documentary film about the Mountain Partnership member Plateau Perspectives’ work in the Sanjiangyuan Region of China is now showing on the television network Hong Kong Television. Developed over the last few years, the 24-minute video presents the rich experiences and the beautiful natural and cultural landscapes of...

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Malawi forms national mountain committee

Malawi forms national mountain committee


Malawi will form a national committee on mountains, decided the participants of an inception workshop on sustainable mountain development (SMD) held on 29 September 2017. The participants also agreed that there is a need to develop a national strategy on SMD to address the challenges facing the country’s mountain ecosystems...

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