Mountain Days 2013

Mountain Days 2013


The Mountain Days event is organized by the Swiss-Austrian Alliance for Mountain Research and aims to exchange of information on ongoing and planned research activities in Switzerland and Austria and foster existing and stimulating new research partnerships. The event is organized in coordination with the Symposium for Research in Protected...

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MENA Climate Change and Mountains regional meeting

MENA Climate Change and Mountains regional meeting


A regional meeting on Climate Change and Mountains in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region will take place in Marrakech 16-18 December.

The meeting is the fourth in a series organized by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat (MPS) in the context of the World Bank Project Strategic Initiative on Mountains...

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Second Mountain Day to be held at UNFCCC meet in Doha

Second Mountain Day to be held at UNFCCC meet in Doha


The second annual Mountain Day will take place during this year’s Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Doha in December. The event is organized each year to bring attention to the vulnerability of mountain ecosystems and mountain people to the impacts...

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MRD: Call for papers on "Land Acquisition in Mountains: Implications for Sustainable Development"

MRD: Call for papers on "Land Acquisition in Mountains: Implications for Sustainable Development"


In recent years, large-scale land acquisition by private and public investors has been a dynamic and much debated trend, often triggering extensive land use changes. From a mountain community perspective, it is timely to explore whether this trend and debate have any relevance to sustainable mountain development and if so,...

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Sustainable Mountain Development, Green Economy and Institutions: From Rio 1992 to Rio 2012 and beyond Global Report (2012) - Final Draft for Rio+20

Sustainable Mountain Development, Green Economy and Institutions: From Rio 1992 to Rio 2012 and beyond Global Report (2012) - Final Draft for Rio+20


In 1992, at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development – commonly referred to as ‘Rio 1992’ or ‘the Rio Earth Summit’ – mountains received unexpected high political attention. They were granted a chapter in the ‘Agenda 21’ as fragile ecosystems that matter for humankind.

In view of the UN Conference Rio+20 –...

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The Future We Want: Outcome document adopted at Rio+20 - Mountains (2012)


United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain ... The Future We WantOutcome document adopted at Rio+20 - Mountains (2012).


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