
Trees, forests and water: cool insights for a hot world


Forests’ many life-sustaining functions as prime regulators within the water, energy and carbon cycles are still not universally recognized, a fact that the world ignores at its peril, a new article cautions. To address climate change and land misuse, global action should be realigned to prioritize trees’ and forests’ key hydrologic and climate-cooling benefits, with carbon storage as a valuable, but secondary, by-product.

Read more in the Global Environmental Change collaborative research paper “Trees, forests and water: cool insights for a hot world”, co-authored by technical staff from FAO, the World Agroforestry Centre, the Center for International Forestry Research and other institutions. Also visit the FAO Forest and Water Programme and Land and Water websites.


Author Ellison D, Morris CE, Locatelli B, Sheil D, Cohen J, Murdiyarso D, Gutierrez V, van Noordwijk M, Creed IF, Pokorny J, Gaveau D, Spracklen D, Tobella AB, Ilstedt U, Teuling R, Gebrehiwot SG, Sands DC, Muys B, Verbist B, Springgay E, Sugandi Y, Sullivan CA
Publisher Global Environmental Change
Publication year 2017
Language English

Themes: Cambio ClimàticoLos BosquesEl Agua

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