Lavinia Monforte


1-What prompted you to apply for a position?

Since I was a teenager, I've considered helping people a necessary attitude, almost natural. It's always been among my dreams to work in such a field. Therefore I've chosen the university studies closest to my beliefs (Economics with a specialization in International Development and Cooperation). As training, I've chosen a strong experience: I've worked in one of the most difficult suburban areas of my city, helping children at risk. From my studies and my experiences as a volunteer, I've learned that one of the main obstacles to the well-being of disadvantaged peoples and groups, is the difficulty or inability to access resources to meet their basic needs. It's disconcerting to think how many people today are ​​food insecure. For me, getting involved with FAO, is the first step to give my contribution towards addressing these problems.

2- What are you most proud of in your work with the Mountain Partnership Secretariat?

I am proud of doing my internship in an international organization such as FAO, where the Mountain Partnership Secretariat is hosted, to ensure other people their rights: full and free access to resources. Above all, I am proud to be part of the of the Mountain Partnership group, and give my contribution to the staff. Mountains with their forests are essential for all of us. Not only because they represent important water reservoirs and for the biodiversity which they host, but especially for the indigenous people who live there. Their knowledge, their farming practices - designed to cope with climate change and protect the soil from erosion - and nutritional habits, are an asset to be protected.

3- What does a normal day at work look like for you?

My job is to publish news about workshops, conferences, United Nations conventions and all that concerns sustainable mountain development. This gives me the opportunity to learn and stay up to date on the activities and actions taken, at the international level. Furthermore, to develop a working relationship with people of different multi-cultural and multi-ethnic backgrounds is an amazing opportunity to learn from different ways of seeing, thinking and working.

4- What advice would you give someone wishing to join as volunteer?


My advice for prospective candidates is to be very sure of what you want to do in life, and keep your ambitions forcefully alive. Under this condition, if you believe and want to work in the international cooperation sector, FAO is the right place to apply.

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