Monitoring et Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation

The M&E plan for the Kagera Transboundary Agroecosystem Management Project (KAGERA TAMP) has been developed by the consultant in close collaboration with the Regional Project Coordinator (RPC) and the four National Project Managers (NPMs) during collaborative and participatory work sessions in Kigali (RPC and NPMs of Rwanda and Burundi), and in Bukoba (NPMs of Tanzania and Uganda) during September 2011. Guidance and technical comments were provided by the Lead Technical Officer and budget holder of the Kagera TAMP at NRL, and will be provided if necessary by the GEF unit in TCI.

The M&E plan includes two components addressing the target indicators in the project log-frame:

- M&E of Project Performance

Monitoring focuses on the management and supervision of project activities, seeking to improve efficiency and overall effectiveness of project implementation. It is a continuous process to collect information on actual implementation of project activities compared to those scheduled in the annual work plans, including the delivery of quality outputs in a timely manner, to identify problems and constraints (technical, human resource, and financial), to make clear recommendations for corrective actions, and identify lessons learned and best practices for scaling up, etc. Performance evaluation will assess the project’s success in achieving its objectives. The project will be monitored closely by FAO (LTU and GEF Unit) and by the Project Steering Committees through semi-annual reports, quarterly implementation reviews, technical reports, and regular technical supervision missions fielded as required to enhance success.

- M&E of project impact

Evaluation of the project’s success in achieving its outcomes will be monitored continuously throughout the project. The key indicators can be found in the logical framework. The indicators have been further reviewed/refined during the development of this M&E Plan, and tools and methods and indicators for measuring impact have been be determined and agreed to ensure that a standardized framework is shared by the four participating countries.

Download the Monitoring & Evaluation Plan of the Kagera project

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