Project information

Project objectives and activities

Screenshot of the Project Results Framework
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The project has five components focusing on the sustainable transboundary management of the Kagera basin and its land resources and agro-ecosystems; a fifth component concerns project management. The activities take into account gender issues, access to resources and conflict resolution.

Enhanced regional collaboration, information sharing and monitoring.

1.1     Establish a basin-wide coordination mechanism to facilitate transboundary dialogue, basin-level policy harmonisation and coordination of national/sub-national actions through regional and national workshops, a public information and awareness-raising campaign; regional steering and technical advisory committees.

1.2     Establish an efficient basin-wide knowledge management system to support information requirements and decision-making processes at all levels through geographic information system/remote sensing, community information centres, linkages with relevant networks.

Enabling policy, planning and legislative conditions.

2.1     Identify mechanisms and approaches for improved synergy and harmonisation among sectoral plans; introduce an inter-sectoral planning process, for Sustainable Land Management (SLM) mainstreaming into policy and planning processes, for sharing knowledge and lessons learned.

2.2     Identify measures to improve land tenure security and monitor the application of conflict resolution measures.

2.3     Set up a coherent strategic land use planning and management framework that gives due attention to the range of ecosystem services, i.e. productive, regulation, supporting and socio-cultural. 

Increased stakeholder capacity and knowledge at all levels for promoting integrated agro-ecosystems management.

3.1     Promote through participatory approaches, the adoption of Sustainable Land Management practices using extension and learning-action-research approaches through Farmer Field School (FFS); knowledge bases; production and dissemination of varied information/training materials.

3.2     Enhance quality of training services through practical training workshops, learning by doing, exchange visits, collaboration among researchers, service providers and land users.

Component 4: SLM ADOPTION
Adoption of improved land use systems and management practices generating improved livelihoods and environmental services.

4.1     Build participatory land management plans with 68 pilot communities selected in the 4 countries and in 16 micro-catchments / agro-ecological zones and with particular attention to transboundary management of land resources (soil, water, biodiversity).

4.2     Implement these plans successfully through increasing productivity and identifying new possibilities to add value to agricultural and other products.

4.3     Identify and promote market opportunities and other cost-benefit sharing mechanisms, such as payment of environmental services (PES) which will lead to financial and non financial benefits.

Component 5
Project management structures operational and effective