Research & Extension


Jan 2008

Assessment of the National Agricultural Research and Extension System in Chad and strategies on how to strengthen capacity for the dissemination of agricultural knowledge and technologies

This publication illustrates that the absence of national policies for research and extension in Chad creates difficulties for the adequate functioning of research and extension institutions in the country.

Publication available in: Français
Jan 2008

Assessment of the National Agricultural Research and Extension System in Gabon and strategies on how to strengthen capacity for the dissemination of agricultural knowledge and technologies

One of the major challenges for Gabon is to achieve economic growth based on the sustainable development of its productive and renewable resources (agriculture, fisheries, forestry), particularly in its pursuit of a public programme of investment, supported by the private sector, in the agricultural sector.

Publication available in: Français
Jan 2008

Assessment of the National Agricultural Research and Extension System in the Central African Republic and strategies on how to strengthen capacity for the dissemination of agricultural knowledge and technologies

This study was carried out in the Central African Republic by first identifying and examining public institutions, organizations, projects, non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations active in the region in the area of research and agricultural extension.

Publication available in: Français
Nov 2007
The regional stakeholder consultation “Building Partnerships for Technology Generation, Assessment and Sharing in Agriculture amongst West Balkan Countries” was jointly organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food of the Ss Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia from 27 to 29 June 2007. The workshop was attended by 35 selected representatives from research, extension and agricultural technology centres, Ministries and FAO consultants and including 28 representatives from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia.

Publication available in:
Jul 2007
The biotechnology tool of marker-assisted selection (MAS) has raised high expectations for increasing genetic progress through breeding. Some experts have even argued that the application of MAS could “revolutionize” the way varieties and breeding stock are developed.

Publication available in:
May 2007
A High-level meeting was held on 3 April 2007 at FAO headquarters in Rome between FAO, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) and its International Agricultural Research Centers. Mr Jacques Diouf, Director General, led the FAO delegation, while the CGIAR was represented by the Director-Generals of eight Centers, one Board Chair (Mr James Godfrey from the International Potato Center), the Chair of the CGIAR Science Council (Mr R. Rabbinge) and the Chair of the CGIAR Alliance Executive (Mr Emile Frison).

Publication available in:
Apr 2007
Environmental pollution and food insecurity issues have been surfacing in Egypt as a result of rapid population growth. Egypt’s agricultural extension service is working to alleviate problems related to population, environment and production. For the past nine years, one particular project has been assisting the rural population, through the integration of population and environment education messages into ongoing agricultural extension programmes. The project is funded jointly by the Government of Egypt and the United Nations Population Fund and technically supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Publication available in:
Feb 2007
This 152-page, by J. Ruane and A. Sonnino, is published under the FAO Research and Technology series and presents the background and summary documents from a series of six moderated e-mail conferences hosted by the FAO Biotechnology Forum from 2002 to 2005, relating to agricultural biotechnology for the crop, forestry, animal, fisheries and agro-industry sectors in developing countries. Three of the six conferences focused on genetically modified organisms (GMOs), dealing with gene flow from GM to non-GM populations; regulation of GMOs; and participation of the rural people in decision-making regarding GMOs.

Publication available in:
Jun 2006
Edited by J. Ruane and A. Sonnino, this 187-page book brings together papers from an international workshop held on 5-7 March 2005 in Turin, Italy, on the role of biotechnology for the characterization and conservation of crop, forest, animal and fishery genetic resources as well as the background and summary documents from an e-mail conference on the same subject that was held three months afterwards.

Publication available in:
Apr 2006

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