Research & Extension


Jan 2010

Evolution of extension services in Nicaragua

In the last two decades, it has been observed an evolutionary process in Nicaragua extension services, through the has had the opportunity to observe an evolutionary process in Nicaragua extension services. The main purpose of this study is to contribute to the design of the extension based processes, which are aimed at improving the conditions of underdeveloped agricultural systems, using the analysis and evaluation of different extension methodologies and modalities of contracting this service.

Publication available in: Español
Sep 2009
The objective was hence to put the emphasis on the process and on considering the features of pluralism, demand and market-orientation. There was no emphasis on a particular advisory model which gave room for developing a country-specifc system based on existing institutional and organizational capacities and targeted to the poor and vulnerable producers. Oone of the main objectives of the initiative was to promote farmers' participation in the design process and their empowered role in the future advisory system.

Publication available in: English
Jun 2009
Cette série d'ouvrages est consacrée au développement d'une stratégie sous régionale de renforcement des capacités en matière de dissémination des connaissances et des technologies agricoles dans l'espace CEMAC sur labase du diagnostic des situations nationales des pays membres.

Publication available in:
Oct 2008
The purpose of this publication was to identify “good practices” within different agricultural extension and advisory service institutions that have used new agricultural innovations, in order to improve rural livelihoods and, to educate farmers to use sustainable natural resource management practices in different countries. The publication reviews the four major objectives of extension systems in the agricultural development process: 1) technology dissemination; 2) human capital development; 3) building social capital and 4) educating farmers to manage natural resources sustainably.

Publication available in: English , Español , Русский
Jan 2008

Assessment of the National Agricultural Research and Extension System in Chad and strategies on how to strengthen capacity for the dissemination of agricultural knowledge and technologies

This publication illustrates that the absence of national policies for research and extension in Chad creates difficulties for the adequate functioning of research and extension institutions in the country.

Publication available in: Français
Jan 2008

Assessment of the National Agricultural Research and Extension System in Gabon and strategies on how to strengthen capacity for the dissemination of agricultural knowledge and technologies

One of the major challenges for Gabon is to achieve economic growth based on the sustainable development of its productive and renewable resources (agriculture, fisheries, forestry), particularly in its pursuit of a public programme of investment, supported by the private sector, in the agricultural sector.

Publication available in: Français
Jan 2008

Assessment of the National Agricultural Research and Extension System in the Central African Republic and strategies on how to strengthen capacity for the dissemination of agricultural knowledge and technologies

This study was carried out in the Central African Republic by first identifying and examining public institutions, organizations, projects, non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations active in the region in the area of research and agricultural extension.

Publication available in: Français
Apr 2007
Environmental pollution and food insecurity issues have been surfacing in Egypt as a result of rapid population growth. Egypt’s agricultural extension service is working to alleviate problems related to population, environment and production. For the past nine years, one particular project has been assisting the rural population, through the integration of population and environment education messages into ongoing agricultural extension programmes. The project is funded jointly by the Government of Egypt and the United Nations Population Fund and technically supported by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Publication available in:
Apr 2006

Publication available in:
Nov 2005
The geographical location of farmers is one of the factors under consideration when strategies for client-oriented agricultural extension approaches are being outlined. A large number of men and women are engaged in farming in thousands of small, medium and large islands, and they need extension advice according to their unique situation. FAO has conducted several studies to identify extension and training needs of farmers living in different geographical locations such as mountains, desert and small islands. This publication is based on a study that was conducted in the island country of Samoa, located in the Pacific Ocean.

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