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Sep 2005
The rural people in developing countries are often far removed from many important decision-making processes. Production and consumption of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is a topical issue and could impact on socio-cultural systems of rural populations in developing countries. Involving the rural people in decision-making on GMOs was discussed during this moderated e-mail conference hosted by the FAO Biotechnology Forum in 2005.

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May 2005
In 2003, FAO launched an on-line searchable database called FAO-BioDeC, providing information on biotechnology products/techniques in use or in the pipeline in developing countries (including countries with economies in transition). This report by Z. Dhlamini, C. Spillane, J.P. Moss, J. Ruane, N. Urquia and A. Sonnino, provides a first analysis of about 2,000 crop-sector entries from 71 developing countries contained in the database as of 31 August 2004. Entries cover genetically modified (GM) crops and non-GM biotechnologies (such as micropropagation, molecular markers, diagnostics (e.g. ELISA) and microbial techniques).

Publication available in:
May 2005
Agricultural biotechnology is a national priority and following ratification of a national agricultural biotechnology programme, implemented in 2001-2005, a national commission was established to address issues of biotechnology and biosafety policy.

Publication available in:
May 2005
This paper analyses the main trends foreseen for developments in African agriculture, food and nutrition, inputs and natural resource use, and also the challenges emanating from the trends. It discusses the role of research and technology dissemination and adoption as key elements that need to be incorporated into a long-term, sustainable, strategy for the agricultural development of Africa. Finally, the last section highlights the main components that require more short-term, immediate actions and investments to avert food insecurity in Africa.

Publication available in:
Apr 2005
Ce livre contient Volume I: Aux sources de l’agriculture africaine: de la préhistoire au Mmoyen âge.

Publication available in:
Mar 2005
FAO has developed an inventory of plant biotechnology products and techniques in use or in the pipeline in developing countries. The inventory has been compiled and organized into a searchable online database called the FAO Biotechnology In Developing Countries Database (FAO-BioDeC). This document summarizes and analyses the information contained in the database as of 31 August 2004. The database was set up to provide developing countries with accurate information on biotechnology activities, as FAO recognizes the role that biotechnology can play in augmenting agricultural production when properly integrated with other technologies.

Publication available in:
Feb 2005
This paper, firstly, analyzes the main global trends and challenges foreseen for developments in agriculture, food, nutrition and trade; secondly, it examines the role of scientific research and technology in dealing with the various challenges and opportunities and, finally, it discusses paradigm shifts, policy adjustments and strategies for harnessing science, technology and knowledge towards enhanced and sustained agrarian prosperity.

Publication available in:
Jan 2005
This publications provides information about buffalo species throughout the world and explores their importance for the livelihoods of many rural families in developing countries. The publication illustrates the buffalo's importance as a draught animal, but also its role as a source of meat, horns, skin and the rich milk that provides creams, butter, yoghurt and many cheeses.

Publication available in:
Jul 2004

Sélection assistée par marqueurs – Résumé de la conférence électronique de la FAO

Ce document propose la synthèse de la Conférence électronique de la FAO : "la sélection assistée par marquage moléculaire, un outil puissant pour l'amélioration génétique des cultures, des arbres forestiers, du bétail et du poisson dans les pays en développement". En dix pages, ce document offre une synthèse très claire des principales questions et préoccupations débattues par les participants à cette conférence électronique avec modérateur, accueillie par le Forum biotechnologique de la FAO du 17 novembre au 14 décembre 2003. Pendant les quatre semaines de la conférence, 85 messages ont été mis en ligne, 60% d'entre eux provenant de pays more

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