Sustainability Pathways

Coaching households to reduce waste

Type of practice Reduce
Name of practice Coaching households to reduce waste
Name of main actor France Nature Environment & Households
Type of actor(s) Consumers
Location France
Stage of implementation Consumption
Year of implementation 2012
What was/is being done? The French NGO France Nature Environment launched the “coaching against food wastage” campaign, which coached 30 French families to reduce their food waste over two months, using basic principles.
Outcomes and impacts While the national average of food waste per person per year is 20 kg, the best performing group managed to reduce it to 6 kg, representing a 70 percent reduction of food wastage. This can have major implications for the environment. Zero Waste Scotland (WWF, 2011) estimated that, in Scotland, avoiding 1 kg of food waste could avoid waste of 1 000 litres of water and emissions of 3.8 kg CO2 eq. Considering impacts on land use change could avoid a further 0.9kg CO2 eq.