Sustainability Pathways

Good Samaritan Law

Type of practice Reuse for food
Name of practice Good Samaritan Law
Name of main actor Italian Government
Type of actor(s) Public authority
Location Italy
Stage of implementation Consumption
Year of implementation 2014
What was/is being done? In order to make food donations easier, the organizations recognized as non-profit organizations of social utility (ONLUS), which carry-out free distribution of food to the most deprived for charity, shall be treated as final consumers with regards to the responsibility arising from the proper state of preservation, transportation, storage and use of food.” The 2014 Stability Law (Legge di Stabilità, Art. 236) implies that both donors and beneficiaries must guarantee the proper state of preservation, transportation, storage and use of food. Specific guidelines will be provided by the competent bodies and will be validated by the Ministry of Health.
Outcomes and impacts Outcomes and impacts to be assessed after implementation.