Sustainability Pathways

Promoting Sustainable Cattle Ranching in the Amazon, Alta Floresta - MT, Brazil

Grassland type Cultivated
Name of practice Promoting Sustainable Cattle Ranching in the Amazon, Alta Floresta - MT, Brazil
Name of main actor Instituto Centro de Vida - ICV
Type of actor(s) NGOs
Location Brazil
Agro-ecological region Tropical
Sustainability dimension involved Governance, Environmental, Economic, Social
Sustainability sub-themes Holistic Management, Biodiversity, Animal Welfare, Product Quality and Information, Fair Trading Practices
Year of implementation 2012
Description of best practice Installation of demonstration projects of Embrapa’s Good Agricultural Practices approach (GAP) in 10 selected ranches. Analysis and dissemination of results of demonstration projects installed. Drafting of integrated clean supply chain agreement between players in the beef value chain.
Outcomes and impacts Implementation of a scalable demonstration of an integrated clean beef supply chain initiated in Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, serving as reference for producers and the industry.
Contacts Francisco Beduschi - Analyst for Economics and Agricultural Policy [email protected] Vando Teles - Coordinator of the Sustainable Cattle Ranching Initiative [email protected]