Les Chemins de la durabilité

Zero Waste dinner at UNEP Headquarters

Type de pratique Reduce
Nom de la pratique Zero Waste dinner at UNEP Headquarters
Nom de l’acteur principal UNEP
Type d’acteur(s) Autorités publiques
Pays Kenya
Etape de mise en œuvre Consommation
Année de mise en œuvre 2012
Opérations déjà accomplies/en cours At a special dinner held in Nairobi in February 2012, delegates and ministers from all over the world were served a delicious fivecourse meal prepared with products harvested in Kenya and destined to the export market but rejected by UK supermarkets. The dinner was held in connection with Universal Session of the UNEP Governing Council and Global Ministerial Forum (GC-GMF) in Nairobi to highlight the food loss emergency. Experts affirm that similar “rejecting” practices, based on aesthetic criteria and lastminute order reduction, happen worldwide on a regular basis which places an enormous and unjustified burden on small farmers who must bear the costs of the losses themselves. All the leftovers of this dinner were then donated to a local development organization, to support its feeding project in a local primary school.
Résultats et impacts This provided a great opportunity for authorities to ask policy- makers and retailers to revise and relax their standards and take common actions in order to make sure that perfectly edible and nutritious “ugly” food does is not wasted unnecessarily, penalizing farmers, people who are not granted adequate access to food, and the environment.