Guías alimentarias basadas en alimentos

Food-based dietary guidelines - Romania

Official name

Guidelines for a healthy diet (Romanian: Reguli pentru o alimentaţie sănătoasă).

Publication year

Romania published its dietary guidelines in 2006.

Process and stakeholders

The Ministry of Health led the development of the guidelines. Universities and nutrition institutes were involved in the process. The guidelines are endorsed by the Ministry of Health.

Intended audience

The guidelines are directed at the healthy general population.

Food guide

Romania uses a food pyramid divided into seven food groups. At the base, there are images of physical activity.


  • Enjoy the pleasure of eating.
  • Eat a variety of foods.
  • Keep your weight under control.
  • Eat plenty of cereals.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  • Choose foods that contain small amounts of fat.
  • Eat highly processed foods high in sugar sparingly.
  • Drink alcohol in moderation or not at all.
  • Maintain a balance between food intake and physical activity.