What are certified organic products?


  1. What is organic agriculture?
  2. Where can I get information about consumption and prices of organic commodities?
  3. Is there any kind of economic help for conversion into organic agriculture?
  4. Where can I get information on organic agriculture methods and management systems?
  5. Can organic farmers produce enough food for everybody?
  6. What are the environmental benefits of organic agriculture?
  7. Why is organic food more expensive than conventional food?
  8. Does the consumption of organic food increase exposure to biological contaminants?
  9. What is behind an organic label?
  10. What are certified organic products?

What are certified organic products?

Certified organic products are those which have been produced, stored, processed, handled and marketed in accordance with precise technical specifications (standards) and certified as "organic" by a certification body. Once conformity with organic standards has been verified by a certification body, the product is afforded a label. This label will differ depending on the certification body but can be taken as an assurance that the essential elements constituting an "organic" product have been met from the farm to the market. It is important to note that an organic label applies to the production process, ensuring that the product has been produced and processed in an ecologically sound manner. The organic label is therefore a production process claim as opposed to a product quality claim.