Number of records: 25

Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern

CDE’s mission is to contribute to sustainable development in countries in the North, South and East by focusing on management of natural resources, integrated regional development and interventions that mitigate syndromes of global change.  CDE works to combine research and knowledge generation with outreach and policy advice.  Their work places a special emphasis on highland-lowland interactions and, as such, several of CDE’s programs are focused on mountain regions.

Country: Switzerland
Geographical categories: Developed countries

Research Centres: Hilly and Mountainous Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations:
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


Centre for Mountain Studies, Perth College

The Centre for Mountain Studies, located in the Scottish highlands, aims to undertake and maintain high quality research on mountain environments and the people who depend on them.  To date, research conducted by the centre that is relevant to agriculture has primarily focused on forestry.

Country: United Kingdom
Geographical categories: Developed countries

Research Centres: Hilly and Mountainous Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Forests
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar (CSK) Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University

CSK Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University is an agricultural university in India that focuses specifically on hill agriculture.  The University has a number of on- and off-campus research and extension centres, including the Organic Farming Research and Training Centre.  Unfortunately no information is available online about this particular Centre.

Country: India
Geographical categories: Asia

Research Centres: Hilly and Mountainous Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations:
Type of Institution: organic research


Consortium for the Sustainable Development of the Andean Ecoregion (CONDESAN)

Located in Peru, CONDESAN, works to support Andean peoples in overcoming poverty and social exclusion.  Mountain agriculture is one of the Consortium’s key thematic research areas, as it constitutes the principle economic activity in the Andean region.  This website is only available in Spanish. 

Country: Peru
Geographical categories: Latin America

Research Centres: Hilly and Mountainous Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations:
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment (GMBA)

GMBA is a network that seeks to actively explore and explain the biological richness of mountain regions throughout the world. The network has a research focus on mountain biodiversity and land use change. GMBA seeks to collect and consolidate available knowledge on the links between mountain diversity and fire, grazing, and erosion through publications and organising international workshops. 

Country: Switzerland
Geographical categories: Global

Research Centres: Hilly and Mountainous Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations:
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments (GLORIA), University of Vienna

GLORIA aims to establish and maintain a worldwide long-term observation network in alpine environments. Vegetation and temperature data is collected at GLORIA sites to be used for discerning trends in species diversity and temperature.

Country: Austria
Geographical categories: Developed countries

Research Centres: Hilly and Mountainous Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations:
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


Hill and Mountain Research Centre, Scottish Agricultural College

The Centre aims to seek economically, environmentally and socially sustainable land management systems in the context of international and national land use policies. The Centre does considerable participative research with hill farmers, environmental managers and policy-makers. A particular focus is placed on sustainable livestock systems. 

Country: United Kingdom
Geographical categories: Developed countries

Research Centres: Hilly and Mountainous Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations:
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


Institute for Alpine Environment, EURAC Research Institution

EURAC is a private institution for research and scientific training located in Italy. The Institute for Alpine Environment conducts applied research regarding the interface between civilization and environment. Research topical areas are land use in mountain areas, sustainability indicators, and monitoring and protected areas. Several projects explore aspects of alpine agriculture, including studies on the influence of mountain agriculture on water quality, the effectiveness of various instruments on shaping agriculture in the Alps to be more ecologically sound, and an exploration of measures and strategies for sustainable mountain agriculture.

Country: Italy
Geographical categories: Developed countries

Research Centres: Hilly and Mountainous Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations:
Type of Institution: of interest to organic research


Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS), Aberystwyth University

IBERS has long been involved with research on the socio-economic and policy aspects of organic systems.  Research topics in organic farming include the development of policy support, rural development, standards, farm income, costs of production, marketing and conversion to organic farming. Current work is aimed at measuring the environmental, social and cultural benefits that derive from farming remote upland and hilly areas across Europe, including the conservation of biodiversity and economic opportunities from agritourism. IBERS has previously conducted robust research on the marketing of organic foods in Europe.  In addition to socio-economic and policy research on organics, IBERS has a division dedicated to finding practical solutions to the mitigation of climate change including the development of high yielding energy crops. 

Country: United Kingdom
Geographical categories: Developed countries

Research Centres: Climate Change - Economics, Markets, Trade - Hilly and Mountainous Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Agritourism - Agro-energy - Commodity Intelligence
Type of Institution: organic research


Institute of Traditional Medicine Services (ITMS)

ITMS is part of the Ministry of Health of Bhutan and comprises a training centre, hospital section and Department of Pharmaceutical and Research. The Institute provides courses to farmers on the cultivation, collection and storage of MADPs. In the ITMS hospital, the patients are treated with traditional medicines produced in the Pharmaceutical Department. The aim of ITMS is to identify, develop and produce novel drugs extracted from MAPs. In Bhutan the demand for traditional medicine remains higher than the supply; as a result, production for the export market only occurs when there is a surplus at the local market.  ITMS has two nurseries, one at high altitude (3000mt to 5000mt) and one at low altitude (100mt to 300mt). 

Country: Bhutan
Geographical categories: Asia

Research Centres: Hilly and Mountainous Agro-Ecosystem
Resource Concentrations: Aromatic & Medicinal Plants - Underutilized Varieties
Type of Institution: organic research

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