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Organic Farming Research - Korea, Republic of

Written by Byungmo Lee from the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), with additions from Professor Lee Hyowon from the Korea National Open University


Organic farming research in Korea was initiated by Heuksalim, a private research institute established in 1995. A national organic farming research institute was established in 2004 as part of the Rural Development Administration.

When the legislation to promote environmentally friendly agriculture was set up in 1998, the organic movement was promoted vigorously. Today, government funding is the main driver of organic farming research in Korea.

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Slide by Sang Beom Lee, NAAS, Korea, History of organic farming research in Korea
Development of organic agriculture research in the Republic of Korea. Slide by Sang Beom Lee, NAAS, Korea

The following milestones mark the development of organic farming research in the Republic of Korea: 


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Key institutions

Logos of
Rural Development Administration RDA
Rural Development Administration RDA
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture at Dankook University
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture at the Dankook University
Korea Rural Economic Institute KREI

The Organic Agriculture Division at the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences NAAS (part of the Rural Development Administration RDA) has played a key role in organic farming research. The division carries out research on resource recycling, organic techniques, organic farming materials, and integrated organic farming technology for the development of organic agriculture which is adapted to the Korean environment. The division focuses on "on-farm" research and cooperation with universities, farmers, consumers, and policy makers. Its research projects involve other national research institutes and universities and farmers also advise the division of their needs. The division considers the next year's project priorities, based on their needs. 

The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture at Dankook University also plays an important role. It carries out academic research, and has also held several symposia on organic agriculture. This institute played a key role in the 2008 ISOFAR international conference in Korea.

The Korea Rural Economic Institute undertakes some socio-economic research in organic agriculture. 

Research coordination is carried out by the Korean Association of Organic Agriculture KAOA.



  • Lee, Sang Beom (2009): Organic agriculture in Korea and the activities of the organic agriculture division at NAAS.


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Government support and research programmes

The government is the main funding body for organic agriculture research in Korea. The annual budget for the National Acadamy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) and Rural Development Administration (RDA) was approximately 1 million Dollars for 2010.

The Korean institute of planning and evaluation for technology in food, agriculture, forestry, and fish also have a fund for organic research where scientists can apply, as do the Ministry for Food, Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries. These two government organizations work together closely.

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Research themes & project lists

Organic Farming Division at NAAS/RDA

Most organic farming research is carried out by the Organic Farming Division at NAAS/RDA. A major focus of RDA organic agriculture research in 2010 is on:

  • Developing and disseminating organic farming technology;
  • Setting up safety guidelines for organic material management.

Organic agriculture technologies are developed for each crop and these concentrate on pest and disease control. Many microbial research projects are also carried out.   

RDA covers all research areas, such as soil management, organic plant protection, organic weed management, organic materials, plant nutrition, livestock health, food quality, and socio-economics.

In 2009, research was carried out on the following themes at NAAS/RDA: 

  • Organic seed production & seedling techniques;
  • Organic vegetable crop production;
  • Organic fruit (apple) production;
  • Organic ginseng & herb cultivation;
  • Organic soil & nutrient management;
  • Organic fertilisation techniques;
  • Liquid fertiliser & fertilisation techniques;
  • Development of bio-fertilisers;
  • Organic weed control;
  • Organic fruit & vegetable quality;
  • Quality control of organic material;
  • Microorganisms for plant protection;
  • Use of natural products in organic agriculture;
  • Organic livestock farming systems;
  • Antibiotic substitutes for livestock;
  • Business model for organic farms;
  • Marketing strategies for organic farms;
  • Multi-functionality of organic agriculture.


  • Lee, Sang Beom (2009): Organic agriculture in Korea and the activities of the organic agriculture division at NAAS (Presentation). 

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Key research needs & priorities

Crop research is one of the strengths of organic farming research in Korea

Crop research, plant production, and plant protection research is one of the strengths of organic farming research in Korea.

An organic seed and breeding programme is urgently needed in Korea. For some vegetables, breeding programmes started a few years ago.

Organic animal husbandry is another area where research is badly needed.  A few research projects have recently begun.

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Platforms and coordination

The Korean Association of Organic Agriculture KAOA is the only organic agricultural society in Korea. KAOA was organised in 1991, and it has about 400 members. Most members are scientists whose work is related to organic agriculture.

Regular conferences are held biannually covering all research areas.


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Dissemination of research results

Cover of the rganic pepper manual, published by the Organic Farming Division of RDA/NAAS in 2009

Research results of the Organic Farming Division at NAAS/RDA are evaluated and selected at the end of each year. The selected results are disseminated to the farmers through regional branch offices (training programmes for farmers) or booklets.

The Organic Farming Division at NAAS/RDA runs a website with information on organic agriculture. Farmers and consumers can easily learn about organic farming technology through this website. The Organic Agriculture Division at NAAS/RDA collects all relevant research results of the national research institutes and publishes them every year. These booklets are also disseminated to the farmers.


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Scientific education

Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries

The Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries was established in 1994 in order to train professional farm managers. There are eight departments and the curriculum mainly concentrates on conventional agriculture. However, there are some courses in organic agriculture on offer, such as organic rice production. As organic agriculture gains importance in Korea, it is expected that the college will offer more courses on organic farming in the future.


Some universities such as the Dankook University and the Sangji University offer courses in organic agriculture. Here, university students are taught about the general concepts of organic farming.


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Byungmo Lee
Organic Agriculture Division
Rural Development Administration (RDA) / National Academy of Agricultural Sciences NAAS
249 Seodundong
441-707 Suwon
Republic of Korea
Tel. +82 31 290 0541

Professor Lee Hyowon
Korea National Open University
E-mail: hyowon(at)knou.ac.kr

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