
16 Oct 2012
“办好农业合作社,粮食安全添保障”是2012年 世界粮食日的主题,旨在承认合作社为提高粮食安 全和促进消除饥饿发挥的作用。
01 Jan 2012
These good practices show how group collaboration within organizations and with economic actors and policy-makers, enable small producers to fully participate in the economic, social, and political life of the society they live in. Rural institutions are a tool for social change and economic progress. In order to design efficient policies, decision-makers and development practitioners need to improve their understanding of the factors that can facilitate or inhibit small producers’ collective performance. While highlighting the success factors for small producer organizations to thrive, these good practices can allow development practitioners and other stakeholders to learn from successful initiatives in various...
01 Jan 2012
These good practices show how group collaboration within organizations and with economic actors and policy-makers, enable small producers to fully participate in the economic, social, and political life of the society they live in. Rural institutions are a tool for social change and economic progress. In order to design efficient policies, decision-makers and development practitioners need to improve their understanding of the factors that can facilitate or inhibit small producers’ collective performance. While highlighting the success factors for small producer organizations to thrive, these good practices can allow development practitioners and other stakeholders to learn from successful initiatives in various...
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