A new series of webinars to advance on low-carbon livestock


At a time of social distancing, the Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance (LEAP) Partnership aims to continue engaging with its partners and stakeholders, announcing a new series of webinars on livestock and the environment, that will be running in the next months. Different topics will be covered: biodiversity and the livestock sector, feed additives in livestock supply chains, methane and biogenic emissions assessment, and many more of interest to the industry.

Bringing together researchers, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and farmers; these interactive sessions will aim to highlight the importance of low-carbon livestock and the use of comparative and standardized indicators, such as the FAO LEAP guidelines, to assess the sector’s environmental performance and progress towards sustainability. 

In each webinar, participants will receive valuable information on how to make livestock systems more efficient and sustainable through keynotes presentations and learn more about the LEAP guidelines through dynamic and engaging panel discussions. All webinars will include a real-time Q&A session, where participants will have the opportunity to comment and ask questions. The recording will also be available on the LEAP’s website. 

The series is designed to become an effective mechanism for exchanging knowledge and lessons learned on the design and the implementation of sustainable livestock policies and business strategies through the application and uptake of the LEAP guidelines. As part of the LEAP3 activities, this initiative strives to communicate, enhance understanding, and raise awareness on the LEAP’s work to a broader audience.

The first webinar will take place on 22 June, featuring the launch of the upcoming LEAP guidelines on biodiversity and the livestock sector. More information about registration and programme updates will be available soon on the LEAP’s website.

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