Movilización de recursos

Investing for results

Africa is the world’s youngest continent, with more than half of the population under 25 years of age. Unleashing the capacity of young women and men to effectively participate in the modernization of the agricultural sector is imperative for enhanced resilience, improved food security and poverty reduction. Rural...
Good-quality seed is a major factor in boosting agricultural production. Mozambique has a limited capacity to produce and process quality seed and very few agro-ecological areas in the country are suitable for this purpose. Tete province, in Northern Mozambique, is one potential area and as such was selected to benefit...
Nigeria faces an alarming growth in youth unemployment; more than 42 percent are unemployed, and nearly two-thirds of them live in poverty. The Government of Nigeria identified agriculture as the sector of the economy with high potential for (self-) employment generation, food production and poverty reduction. FAO was asked to...
Cattle are the most important part of the livestock sector in Azerbaijan. Modern and well-managed processing facilities are therefore required in order to produce high-quality dairy products. Given the need for a regular supply of raw milk throughout the year and, which required farmers to improve the genetic quality of...
Fruit flies are serious pests that cause devastating direct losses to many fruit and vegetable crops, which represent more than 70 percent of the cultivated areas in Lebanon. In addition, the current conflicts and civil unrest in neighbouring countries have increased the risk of entry of quarantine pests into the...
Rice is an important food staple in Ghana and is consumed in almost every household. The country's production of rice satisfies between 30 and 40 percent of the demand, while the deficit is sourced through imports and makes up a significant proportion of the import bill. In order...
La fiebre aftosa es habitual en Mozambique por lo que es necesario proteger a los ganaderos que dependen completamente del bienestar y la comerciabilidad de sus animales de las graves pérdidas económicas causadas por las restricciones de los desplazamientos relacionadas con la enfermedad. La finalidad del proyecto era contribuir al...
Las frutas y hortalizas contribuyen de manera considerable a la seguridad alimentaria, la nutrición y la reducción de la pobreza, así como al desarrollo económico de los países de Asia meridional. Sin embargo, la calidad escasa, la inocuidad dudosa y los altos niveles de pérdidas de alimentos postcosecha son importantes...
Se calcula que el número de pastores en todo el mundo oscila entre los 200 y 500 millones. El pastoreo refuerza de manera considerable la agricultura ya que proporciona abono, ganado, mano de obra y conocimientos. Las organizaciones internacionales han mostrado un interés creciente por los pastores y les han...
In the Near East and North Africa (NENA) Region, food imports are needed to meet more than 50 percent of total food requirements, yet nearly 50 million tonnes of food are lost or wasted every year. Reducing food losses and waste is critical to ensure sustainable food systems...