Movilización de recursos

Investing for results

Habida cuenta de que los medios de vida de un porcentaje considerable de población costera de la República Democrática Popular de Corea derivan de la pesca, la acuicultura y otras actividades en el medio ambiente marino, el objetivo del proyecto era reforzar la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional mediante el fortalecimiento...
Consumer demand for safe food with low environmental impact is increasing everywhere, including the Asia region, offering new opportunities to organic producers. However, because of the high cost of third-party certification, these opportunities are not readily available to smallholder farmers. In addition, consumers are faced by difficulties in...
Recurrent crises have eroded the coping capacities of subsistence farming populations and weakened livelihoods in both the Sahel and the Horn of Africa. With the majority of the population dependent upon farming and pastoral activities, it was imperative to adopt a unified approach, while also addressing issues specific...
Food safety has long been an issue in Viet Nam, concerning both consumers and government officials. Through the adoption of the Food Safety Law 2010 and subordinate instruments, the Government framed the mechanisms and structures for modern food safety management; however, improvement was still very slow. It was therefore necessary...
Si bien la agricultura ha sido tradicionalmente el pilar de la economía de Swazilandia, ha experimentado un fuerte descenso. Su contribución al producto interno bruto (PIB) ha disminuido progresivamente en los dos últimos decenios debido a varios factores, entre ellos la sequía recurrente, la falta de inversiones crónica y los...