Mobilisation des ressources

Investing for results

Over the past decades, progress towards Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) in Africa has been made at national and subregionallevels. At national level, 43 African countries have developed specific forest law and 40 have a national forest policy. At subregionallevel, efforts to harmonize policies and programmeshave resulted in the...
In view of the existing tension and potential conflict between the host community and conflict-affected refugees in Turkana County, Kenya, an improvement in relations was urgently needed. It was noted that support could be given to disadvantaged hosts, linking them to market opportunities offered by the refugee situation, to the...
Le projet a été mis en oeuvre dans quatre comtés du Libéria en réponse à une épidémie de Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) ou de peste des moutons et des chèvres, une maladie dévastatrice affectant les petits ruminants. Un programme de vaccination généralisé a été mis en place, le public...
The agricultural sector in Lebanon is faced by a series of challenges made more acute by the effect of the Syrian crisis on the country, especially in rural areas. Farmers have increasingly abandoned their livestock as they are unable to cope with rising feed prices and the declining prices of...
The nature of challenges faced by smallholder farmers and pastoralists in Eastern Africa today necessitates a high level of coordinated action and cooperation, if they are to gain voice and access markets for their products. Against this background, the Field School (FS) approach has emerged as a tool...