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Strengthening climate resilient agriculture in Nepal

Extreme weather events and disruptions in normal weather patterns brought about by climate change negatively impact agricultural productivity in Nepal. This, in turn, leads to decreased food security in the country. At the request of the government of Nepal, this project was formulated to provide support for the implementation of urgent agricultural adaptation measures that were identified in the country’s 2010 National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA).

The agriculture-related priorities of this programme were targeted, along with three key objectives laid out in the Global Environmental Facility’s (GEF) Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF). These included reducing vulnerability to the adverse impacts of climate change and increasing adaptive capacity to respond to them at local, national, regional and global level, as well as promoting the transfer and adoption of adaptation technology.

Resultados obtenidos

The overarching goal of the project was to promote sustainable development by supporting climate change adaptation strategies and to enhance the productivity of Nepal’s agriculture sector. Four main objectives were laid out: (i) strengthening technical and institutional capacities; (ii) assessing, monitoring and providing advanced early warning information on vulnerabilities, risks of climate change and agrometeorological forecasts; (iii) improving awareness, knowledge and communication on climate impacts and adaptation; and (iv) prioritizing and implementing local investment by promoting Community-based Adaptation (CBA).

The achievement of these objectives took place through a series of capacity development and awareness-raising activities, the strengthening of communication and knowledge management strategies, the improvement and dissemination of various tools and methods, the establishment of 120 Farmer Field Schools (FFS), the compilation and distribution of project-related good practices, the implementation of alternate livelihood strategies and the introduction of adaptation technologies, as well as stress-tolerant varieties and breeds.


By promoting urgent and immediate adaptation measures and integrating these measures into agricultural policies, plans, programmesand actions, it is expected that Nepal’s agricultural sector will become more climate resilient.


  • Capacity development programmes on climate change adaptation were implemented at national and district levels.
  • A mechanism for cross-sectoral communication on facilitating the integration of climate change adaptation into agricultural plans and programmes was strengthened.
  • Inputs provided for national agriculture strategies and municipality-level adaptation/risk reduction plans were developed and made available in accordance with the climate change adaptation priorities of the NAPA, including investment plans and budgets.
  • Tools and methods for assessing climate change risks, vulnerability and crop yield were improved and introduced, and training on how to utilize them was provided.
  • Spatial information on vulnerability and risk was developed for eight municipalities in four districts, using the tools and methods mentioned above.
  • Agrometeorological forecast products were improved and disseminated to 120 farmer groups and to wider rural communities.
  • Comprehensive awareness raising was carried out for various stakeholders, and a knowledge management and communication strategy was developed to foster the implementation of existing and new adaptation practices laid out in the NAPA.
  • Training on climate change impacts and adaptation in agriculture was carried out for FFS facilitators.
  • A total of over 3 400 farmers in 120 FFSs benefitted from awareness raising on climate change impacts, adaptation measures and alternative livelihood strategies.
  • Good practices learned throughout the project’s implementation were recorded and disseminated in print and virtual forms to facilitate their integration into government policies and plans. It is also expected that these good practices will be replicated in related situations by NGOs.
  • Livelihood alternatives and small-scale climate-resilient physical measures were prioritized in CBA plans, and they were implemented in 120 farmer groups in four districts.
  • Adaptation technology and new stress-tolerant varieties and livestock breeds were introduced to mitigate vulnerability and risk.
  • Agriculture and livestock management technologies were improved and implemented.
Código del proyecto: GCP/NEP/070/LDF
Título del proyecto: Reducing vulnerability and increasing adaptive capacity to respond to impacts of climate change and variability for sustainable livelihood in agricultural sector in Nepal
Contacto: FAO Representation in Nepal
Correo electrónico: [email protected]